Did you suffer complications or side effect as a result of Visilex hernia mesh by Bard / Davol? You should look into filing a Visilex hernia mesh lawsuit against Bard / Davol. We are reviewing potential Visilex lawsuits on behalf of victims who suffer complications caused by a defective Visilex mesh Implant. If a friend, family or loved one suffered through revision surgery as a result of a Bard Visilex implant, he or she may be entitled to compensation for their pain and suffering There is no Visilex class action. All Visilex lawsuits are individual lawsuits that will be filed in a consolidated lawsuit. Will there be a Visilex hernia mesh settlement 2023? Have any victims received a Visilex mesh settlements? Over 5,000 Bard Hernia mesh individual lawsuits have settled in late 2021, 2022 and 2023 in the Rhode Island State Court consolidated proceeding. Some of these 5,000  hernia mesh settlements were for victims implanted with Bard Visilex hernia mesh.  More Bard settlements are expected in 2024. There have not been any reported settlements or a global settlement yet in the Bard / Davol Federal Court consolidated MDL in Ohio. Lawyers are in intense settlement talks in the Ohio Bard lawsuit.(MDL)

  • “Visilex Mesh: is constructed of single layer of small pore, heavy weight, unsuitable polypropylene With one selvage edge.” IN RE: DAVOL/ CR. BARD HERNIA MESH MULTI—CASE MANAGEMENT Coordination N0. 20 1 7-02 MASTER LONG FORM COMPLAINT AND JURY DEMAND
visilex hernia mesh

Bard Visilex hernia mesh lawsuit

Compensation for Visilex hernia mesh damages may include:

  • medical bills,
  • lost wages
  • chronic pain and suffering
  • punitive damages
  • home healthcare

If you have been implanted with Bard/  Davol Visilex hernia mesh, you may have suffered through severe complications and side effects. These hernia mesh complications may cause serious infection and in some instances may require excruciating revision surgery.  Patients with the Bard Visilex hernia patch who have experienced infection, organ adhesion, bowel perforation, mesh erosion, severe pain, and revision surgery may be eligible for financial compensation for pain and suffering and injuries.  If you or a loved one is a victim of a defective Bard Davol Visilex hernia product, you should look into filing a hernia mesh lawsuit.

Visilex mesh by Bard may lead to the following  surgical mesh complications:

“Bard Visilex mesh is the first polypropylene mesh specifically designed for laparoscopic hernia repair. Visilex mesh directly addresses the critical issues associated with laparoscopic procedures. More specifically, it delivers maximum visibility, enhanced maneuverability and retains a flat profile after insertion through the trocar. Visilex mesh is the culmination of input and insight from laparoscopic surgeons. With a myriad of clinical benefits, it will change the way you look at laparoscopic hernia repair. The Visilex reinforced edge can be easily grasped and manipulated with standard laparoscopic instruments, eliminating the need for additional instruments to assist in mesh positioning. The Visilex reinforced edge also helps the mesh easily return to its original flat shape after simple insertion through the trocar. During placement, the mesh maintains flexibility necessary to conform to the anatomy – without ever losing the integrity of its shape. Visilex mesh is the first laparoscopic mesh to offer the clinical advantage of a patented reinforced edge. Visilex Mesh Comes with One Other Significant Advantage: Our Monofilament Polypropylene. Visilex mesh is constructed with monofilament polypropylene for which Bard is famous. This proven material is inert in the presence of infection, will not harbor bacteria, and promotes tissue ingrowth1-3. Furthermore, the unique knit construction of Visilex mesh will not unravel. Not surprisingly, this monofilament polypropylene continues to be the material of choice for lasting hernia repair.” Biomedicine.org

According to Biomedicine, Visilex hernia mesh contains:

The problems that can crop up after the specific use of mesh in surgical hernia repair include all of the above and more. Patients on whom this mesh device has been used by surgeons might also experience: 

• Ring or Mesh Migration 
• Contraction of the Mesh 
• Formation of Abdominal Abscesses 
• Sepsis 
• Peritonitis 
• Pelvic Inflammatory Disease 
• Surgical Site Drainage 

Some of the problems directly associated with complications from using Visilex hernia mesh may include:

• Pain 
• Abdominal Distention 
• Abdominal Tenderness 
• Fluid in the Abdomen 
• Nausea 
• Fever 

Premarket Notification

Device Classification NameMesh, Surgical, Polymeric
510(K) NumberK953577
Cranston,  RI  02920
Applicant ContactJeanette G Cloutier
Cranston,  RI  02920
Correspondent ContactJeanette G Cloutier
Regulation Number878.3300
Classification Product Code
Date Received07/31/1995
Decision Date09/26/1995
DecisionSubstantially Equivalent (SESE)
Regulation Medical SpecialtyGeneral & Plastic Surgery
510k Review PanelGeneral & Plastic Surgery
Reviewed By Third PartyNo
Combination ProductNo


Getting Compensation for Victims 

Lawyers across the country have claimed in court that multiple hernia mesh devices manufactured by Davol/Bard were improperly tested prior to being marketed and then distributed as though they had been proven to be medically safe. Currently, these companies face thousands of other pending lawsuits. 

Bard Visilex mesh adverse event report:

Catalog Number 0112910
Event Date 03/18/2008
Event Type  Injury
Event Description
In 2003, pt had bilateral inguinal hernia repair with mesh. Bard visilex mesh was used on his right and left sides. In 2008, pt presented with prostate cancer for a radical prostatectomy. Unfortunately, the anterior aspect of the bladder was very adherent to the mesh, and we were unable to get an adequate plane between the detrusor and the mesh. Because of this significant anterior adherence, the surgeon did not feel we could safely proceed with prostatectomy. The pt was closed and radiation therapy was recommended.
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Type of DeviceSIZE 4.5 INCHES XREF 0112910 6 INCHES
Manufacturer (Section D)
Warwick RI
MDR Report Key1232231
Report NumberMW5008990
Device Sequence Number2
Product CodeFTL
Report SourceVoluntary
Reporter OccupationRISK MANAGER
Type of ReportInitial
Report Date11/13/2008
2 DeviceS WERE Involved in the Event:1   2
0 PatientS WERE Involved in the Event:
Date FDA Received11/13/2008
Is This An Adverse Event Report?Yes
Is This A Product Problem Report?Yes
Device OperatorHealth Professional
Device Catalogue Number0112910
Is The Reporter A Health Professional?Yes
Was the Report Sent to FDA?No
Is this a Reprocessed and Reused Single-Use Device?No