This hernia mesh post was written primarily to address hernia mesh failure symptoms. Hernias occur when organ or fatty tissue is pushed through a weak layer of fascia or muscle, causing painful and sometimes dangerous protrusions. This is usually a result of pressure or strain internally toward a weaker outer wall. While most hernias occur later in life, there are many risk factors for increased hernia risk. Imbalanced eating habits, smoking, and excessive exertion can all increase the likelihood of a hernia appearing, but the actual cause is generally related to heavy lifting, persistent gastrointestinal issues such as constipation or diarrhea, pressure from coughing or sneezing, and obesity. Injury or surgery in the abdomen can also cause hernias without other risk factors. Infants and small children are especially susceptible to umbilical hernias due to weak or undeveloped abdominal muscles. Hernia mesh complications from surgery and hernia mesh failure symptoms are very serious matters and it is important victims research the matter and speak with their medical doctor about the issues,

hernia mesh failure symptoms​

Identifying Hernia Mesh Failure Symptoms

Hernias can come in a variety of types, and can effect people of all ages. Umbilical hernias are most common in infants and occur at the belly button. Inguinal hernias occur in the inner groin. Femoral hernias occur at the upper thigh or outer groin. Ventral hernias occur at the outer abdominal wall but not at the umbilicus. Hiatal hernias occur within the abdomen but upwards toward the upper abdominal wall or the diaphragm. Incisional hernias occur at an incision site or scar, and are a risk for anyone that’s had abdominal surgery. Each of these types of hernias can be repaired with a surgical procedure, which can range from laparoscopic and minimally invasive in nature to open surgery. Because of the high rate of recurrence of hernias, surgical mesh is often used to help strengthen the hernia site and prevent complications. It is very important that hernia mesh victims are able to properly identify hernia complications as well as hernia mesh failure symptoms

Hernia surgery complications

However, complications do happen in hernia surgery, and they can range from very mild to quite severe. Often, people experience surgical site pain and bruising (hematoma) at the site of the repair. These are considered mild complications and usually subside with time. However, there are more severe complications that can occur. Below is a list of some of the complications, and the signs and symptoms of them.

Mesh infection and wound infection can occur. Infections like these are categorized by a high pain level, extreme redness or bruising around the surgical site, seeping surgical wounds, a foul odor at the surgical site, and a higher temperature than the surrounding area. Wound and mesh infection is a serious issue, and should be addressed immediately to avoid serious complications such as sepsis / septic shock or death. Hernia surgery complications and hernia mesh failure symptoms​ can be devastating to victims. It is important that surgical mesh victims speak with a top hernia mesh law firm about seeking justice and compensation.

Surgical adhesion

Another hernia surgery complications / hernia mesh failure symptom ​issue that can occur is surgical adhesion. This occurs when areas of the wound that are not supposed to heal together adhere to one another. This is categorized by lasting pain in the area, beyond the healing time for the surgery, sudden pain when moving a certain way or performing certain bodily functions, such as coughing or sneezing, and a tight or uncomfortable feeling where tissue that should be able to move feels stretched or pinched. Adhesions can contribute to hernia recurrence by weakening the surgical site, and should be taken seriously by your medical team.

Mesh symptoms​

Intestinal obstruction can occur in some cases. This is characterized by crampy abdominal pain, the inability to pass gas or have bowel movements, or unusual pain in the lower abdomen. Often people who are suffering from intestinal obstruction experience symptoms such as vomiting and nausea as well. Intestinal obstruction is a serious complication and if not treated immediately, can lead to intestinal torsion which is a medical emergency and can lead to loss of part of the intestine.

Sometimes, the hernia repair is successful, but the pressure that initially caused the hernia is still present, and instead ruptures an area near the original hernia site. This is called a perforation, and many of the original hernia symptoms will reappear in this case. After a hernia repair, if the original symptoms seem to resurface, it may be a perforation of nearby tissues. Recurrence of original hernia symptoms can also happen if there is a hernia recurrence, which is when the hernia repair fails and the hernia comes back in the exact same location. If you are suffering through hernia surgery complications such as your hernia mesh ripped or hernia mesh failure symptoms​, contact the best hernia mesh law firm in the United States.

Hernia surgery complications

The hernia mesh that is used to repair hernias can also experience issues that cause post operative complications as well as hernia mesh failure symptoms. Original surgical techniques for repairing hernias with mesh were unrefined, and it was later discovered that the placement and suturing techniques for securing the mesh required fine tuning. In these instances, the mesh may have been too small for the hernia being repaired, be slightly off center to the hernia, or the edges of the mesh in delicate areas would cause discomfort even when fully healed.

Aside from surgical attachment issues, there could be issues with the surgical mesh itself. Post surgical mesh migration  and hernia mesh failure symptoms can occur if the mesh fails to properly adhere to the surgical site, causing discomfort or a weakening of the original hernia site. Mesh contraction, or shrinking, can cause previously viable mesh to no long cover the application area. Mesh expansion, where the mesh stays intact and does not migrate, but instead stretches, can cause bulging at the hernia site which may cause discomfort and increase the risk of recurrence or perforation. Mesh rejection occurs when the patient’s body does not accept the surgical mesh, and tries to reject it as a foreign body. Infection of the mesh can lead to fluid buildup, blood pooling, blood clotting, and excessive scarring. Issues with the surgical mesh are therapeutically indistinct, as they all require another surgery to repair the problem.

hernia mesh failure symptoms​

Due to the pressure or event that caused the original hernia, there are also potential problems with hernia repair that are less present in other types of surgery. Incision site hernias can occur from the cuts that are made to repair the hernia. Patients with other abdominal surgeries, but not initial hernia repair, are also subject to incision hernias if they have one or more of the risk factors associated with the occurrence of a hernia.

An extremely rare case of cecum erosion was reported as a result of the migration of polypropylene mesh used to repair a hernia fourteen years after her initial hernia repair, which presented as periods of intense abdominal pain and nausea. However, this case was the only one reported at the time of cecum erosion as a result of hernia repair. As with all procedures, hernia repair involves the risk of post operative complications. These complications are sometimes described as: hernia surgery complications or hernia mesh failure symptoms. ​Knowing the symptoms of hernia complications is important in being able to quickly resolve the issues. Discuss with your healthcare team if you experience any complications.
